Tuesday, 5 October 2010


Unsurprisingly, I love Halloween. Almost as much as I love Christmas...in fact, maybe even more?! Any excuse for dressing up, tee hee! So, between now and the 31st October, you can expect lots of skulls, skeletons, ghouls and ghosts popping up all over this blog! Catching my eye this week:
If you have money to burn (quite literally...), then may I present to you this rather wonderful Memento Mori wax skull candle by D.L. & Co. (their website is well worth a look-see, how can you fail to love a brand that markets itself as "modern alchemists and purveyors of curious goods"?!). I warn you now, it is from Selfridges and therefore costs the eye-watering sum of £73...*cue sharp intake of breath* I'm sure that you could create something equally as magnificent DIY-stylee if, unlike me, you have the time and the patience for candle-making...
If not, a similar candle in a more realistic white shade can be purchased from these fine purveyors of all things candle-tastic. Even better, however, is their spine candle which is perhaps the most awesome thing I have ever laid my eyes upon.
Priced at £20 each, you can buy both and still be quids in...huzzah!


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